bring forth new life with joy. Experience divine, cosmic remembrance, and

bring forth new life with joy. Experience divine, cosmic remembrance, and

Birth is a microcosm of life and life is a microcosm of the cosmos.

Our human embodiment holds this wisdom and is divinely designed to expand, heal, and grow.

Through our attunement to the energetic realms, astrological guidance, and intuition development, we begin to step into a remembrance that allows us to influence the trajectory of our experiences.

Simply stated—your wisdom is far older than your programming.

Will you heed her call?

“As above, so below. As within, so without.
As the universe, so the soul.”

– Hermes Trismegestus

My name is Amanda, 

I’m the woman behind The Birth of You.

I am a wife, mother of three, and mystic devoted to helping women remember the powerful, fun, consciousness-raising, blissful and even pleasurable nature of birth that is theirs to claim. 

It’s my passion is to show women their place in the cosmos and how their unique journey in life and through birth contributes to the healing of the whole.

The birth of your baby is the birth of you and all that is.

“I had so much fun exploring my chart with Amanda. She is a wealth of knowledge in aspects of astrology most people have never even heard of. Her wisdom and intuition extend beyond this dimension. She does a really great job merging our mundane lives with the quantum expansiveness that is astrology. I highly recommend getting a reading with her!”


“Amanda explained my natal chart to me in ways that I hadn’t understood it before. Through a synthesis of intuition and nuanced understanding of astrology, her ability to connect current themes and life events to certain aspects of my chart was profoundly insightful.”


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"Your writing is beautiful and I resonate so much with it, thank you for sharing. Because of women like you I went from being completely neutral in relation to orgasmic, blissful birth to being curious and open to having one someday!"